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Facilities Steering Committee Phase II Agenda 10/29/18
BOARD/COMMITTEE: ~Facilities Steering Committee phase 2

DATE: October 29nd, 2018

TIME: ~7:00 PM

LOCATION: Princeton Town Hall Annex-large room
REQUESTED BY: ~Richard Chase, Chair
“The listings of matters are those reasonably anticipated by the Chair 48 hours before said meeting, which may be discussed at the meeting.~ Not all items listed may in fact be discussed and other items not listed may also be brought up for discussion to the extent permitted by law.”


  • Review and approval on minutes of 10/22 meeting.
  • Draft plan to meet revised charge;
  • Karen Cruise to contact JWA to introduce the new committee and ask for a small amount of time to meet to better understand the conceptual proposals developed last year.
  • Talk with JWA to better understand the conceptual proposals and the NFPA and Police standards and other information which drive the conceptual proposals.
  • Review JWA proposals A & B using the above standards and information.
  • Refine options to limited number, All new, Fire,EMS only, Fire EMS & Police, to identify the “Required minimum” facility.
  • Option additional construction requirements & costs for incorporating Façade of PC bld.
  • Option additional construction requirements & costs for incorporating original classrooms of PC bld.
  • From review, develop the above conceptual designs with input from citizens, format tbd.
  • Work with Selectboard to secure small amount of funding ($10-20K) for the professional review and cost modeling.
  • Prepare for Town Meeting/ Vote to select option and approve funding for full construction documents for the selected design. Not for building construction.
  • Pursue state bond bill money once full construction documents are completed.
  • Review information from Chief Bennet on Townsend facility and his proposed modifications to the JWA plan and other facilities he has knowledge of that could help our understand of solutions developed and implemented by other towns.
  • Review and approve next round of question and answers
  • Opportunity for public questions and input.
Action items:
  • RM & NC, to compile lists of questions and answers. To be reviewed at regular meetings and then posted
  • JB to collect info on Townsend and Brookline NH stations and lessons learned
  • BR & TO, please collect information on the process and requirements to secure State Bond Bill funds.
  • KC, please help us find more detail on the JWA work with the details of meeting NFPA and Police standards.
  • JB & TK & MP, please help us collect and condense applicable portions of the NFPA and Police standards.
  • FSCp2 collect a list of very specific questions for the FSCp1
  • NN how to pursue a add on for the JWA contract for cost analysis of the refined minimum building and options.
Key points from previous meetings:
  • JWA did a detailed analysis of needs and NFPA and Police standards which drive much of the building size and configuration. FSCp2 needs this level of detail so that we can complete the review.
  • TO & BR Recommend the build new option be refined to be the “Minimum Building” which meets the standards. Then additional cost options to preserve the façade and the 4 classrooms of the old building.
  • Bill Holder, to maintain Town debt to less than 7% of Town Budget would constrain total borrowing to $4M-6M over the next 3 years for all purposes including a public safety complex.
Oct 29th                        Regular Meeting~        7:00 PM~        Annex (Large Rm)
Nov 5th                         Regular Meeting~        7:00 PM~        Annex (Small Rm)
Nov 13th Tuesday for Vet Day observance Regular Meeting~        7:00 PM~Annex (Large Rm)
Nov 19th                        Regular Meeting~        7:00 PM~        Annex (Large Rm)

Additional questions submitted to FSC:
  • What, specifically, are you looking for from Townsend regarding station 3 ?
Plans (Electronic version would be helpful)
Cost with detail at medium level
When constructed?
How has the building met Town’s needs?
Experience with building, issues and how will it handle growth?

  • Is there a way, given the Bagg Hall renovation was not approved, that we can incorporate meeting space in this new building?~ I understand concerns about emergency vehicles and pedestrians - but we deal with that now at the present location.~ We have lost a community center that was serving multiple groups, and it would be great to be able to incorporate that function into the new safety building.
  • Given the urgent need for Fire & EMS, could we stage them first, with the Police at a later time?
  • What is the status of well & septic systems? Have they been inspected? Work which may be required?
Revised Charge (Approved at 10/22/18 meeting and submitted to Selectboard)

Develop, with the assistance of an architect, a refined version of the current proposals for a Public Safety Complex. This will include reviewing existing and new requirements and construction methods with the intent to meet the long term needs of the Public Safety Department while exploring ways to reduce the costs significantly. ~The refined proposals should include the choice of building all new or renovating and including a portion of the original building.~ The refined proposals should comply with appropriate public safety and building standards and include conceptual drawings and cost estimates.
Develop and execute a communication plan, using the information developed above, to inform voters for a town meeting to secure funding for the development of final plans & construction documents for a new public safety complex to be built at the Princeton center school site.~ The vote may include the choice of building all new or renovating and including a portion of the original building.~
Work jointly with the Select Board and the Town Administrator to obtain funding via the Bond Bill for the Public Safety complex.